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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣

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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ EmptyMer 20 Oct - 0:10

Neela Martinez
«As my life flashes before my eyes.. I'm wondering
will I ever see another sunrise?»

You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ M7f6yu

Pour savoir un peu plus sur elle !

Neela, Martinez. 23 ans. Née en Floride aux USA. Photographe en recherche de job. Célibataire.
A venir...

N'hésitez pas à demander, je ne mords pas ^^

Dernière édition par Neela Martinez le Jeu 21 Oct - 18:09, édité 1 fois
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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: Re: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ EmptyMer 20 Oct - 0:13

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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: Re: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ EmptyMer 20 Oct - 0:13

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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: Re: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ EmptyMer 20 Oct - 0:13

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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: Re: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ EmptyMer 20 Oct - 3:58

Je veux, je peux? I love you
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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: Re: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ EmptyMer 20 Oct - 10:43

    Avec grand plaisir ^^
    Une envie, une petite idée peut être?!
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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: Re: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ EmptyMar 26 Oct - 4:40

Eumh, j'ai encore besoin de pas mal tout Smile
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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Vide

MessageSujet: Re: You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣ Empty

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You won't get to see the tears I cry behind these hazel eyes ♣

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