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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile

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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMar 21 Déc - 13:27

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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMar 21 Déc - 13:27

+ 1
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMar 21 Déc - 13:27

+ 2
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMar 21 Déc - 13:27

+ 3
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMar 21 Déc - 13:28

Vous pouvez poster Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile 110652
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMar 21 Déc - 19:56

je veux Smile
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMar 21 Déc - 23:05

Bien sûr ^^

Une envie/idée particulière ? ^^
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMer 22 Déc - 14:09

je veux...'fin non pire j'EXIGE (a)
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMer 22 Déc - 14:16

Si tu exiges xD Je crois que je n'ai pas d'autre choix que d'accepter (a)

Tu as une envie/idée particulière ? ^^
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyMer 22 Déc - 14:53

NOPE j'ai jamais d'idée de lien ( je devrais le mettre comme rang d'ailleurs XD)
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyJeu 23 Déc - 23:28

xD Ca ferait classe comme rang xD "Demande pleins liens mais n'a jamais d'idées"

Breeef tu préfères positif ou négatif ? Ou compliqué ? xD (je chercherais en fonction ^^)
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptySam 25 Déc - 23:41

Je veux redcarpetfish
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile EmptyDim 26 Déc - 1:05

Bien sûr fireflies

Tu as quelque chose particulier en tête ? ^^
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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Vide

MessageSujet: Re: Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile Empty

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Jenn' links ▬ You want a link with me ? So ask with the smile

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